3 min read

How Pyaw Helps Universities & Colleges

Pyaw helps universities and colleges create a seamless experience for prospective students, parents, and even faculty members. Think of it as your website’s personal concierge—always available, quick to respond, and armed with accurate, relevant information.

Imagine visiting a college website and instantly getting all the answers you need—whether you're looking for admission details, financial aid options, or campus facilities. Now, picture not having to scroll endlessly through dozens of tabs to find that information. That's where Pyaw comes in.

What is Pyaw?

Pyaw is an Gen AI-powered educational expert designed to help universities and colleges create a seamless experience for prospective students, parents, and even faculty members. Think of it as your website’s personal concierge—always available, quick to respond, and armed with accurate, relevant information. And the best part? No coding needed. Just upload your documents, images, and URLs, to give context for your own personal educational expert and Pyaw takes care of the rest.

Use Case: Northern College, Canada

Let’s take a look at how Pyaw could transform a college website like Northern College in Canada—a well-established institution.

Northern College’s website, like many colleges, has a ton of information spread out over numerous pages—programs, scholarships, admissions, campus facilities, and more. Here’s how Pyaw can make life easier for students and the administration:

  1. Answering Admission Queries Instantly: A prospective student named Emma visits Northern College’s website late at night, curious about admission deadlines and whether her grades meet the entry requirements for a specific program. Instead of sifting through multiple pages on the website, Pyaw, integrated into the website, answers Emma’s questions in seconds, guiding her through the process and even suggesting related programs she might be interested in.
  2. Handling Financial Aid Inquiries: Another visitor, James, is worried about tuition costs. With Pyaw, Northern College’s website can immediately answer his questions about scholarships, financial aid options, and deadlines. The AI can even provide James with a tailored response based on his background and interests, offering personalized suggestions that may increase his chances of securing financial help.
  3. Promoting Campus Facilities: Campus tours might not always be possible, especially for international students. Pyaw can be programmed to guide visitors through virtual tours, answer questions about dorms, meal plans, and extracurricular activities, making Northern College stand out to students from afar.

How Pyaw Improves the Experience

  • 24/7 Availability: Pyaw doesn’t sleep. Whether it’s 2 AM or 2 PM, your prospective students can have their questions answered immediately. No more waiting for office hours or delayed email responses.
  • Custom Responses Based on User Needs: Pyaw isn’t just a chatbot throwing random links at users. It understands context. If a student asks about engineering programs, Pyaw not only shares the course details but can also guide them to related fields like computer science, offering personalized guidance.
  • Lead Generation: Each interaction with Pyaw can capture visitor details such as email and phone numbers, turning every browsing session into a lead. For Northern College, this means being able to follow up with personalized emails or invite them to special webinars, tours, or application workshops.
  • Time and Cost Savings: Instead of having an overwhelmed admissions team answering repetitive queries, Pyaw can handle the bulk of these inquiries automatically. This allows your staff to focus on higher-value tasks, like recruiting top talent or running outreach programs. Northern College could reduce administrative workload significantly by letting Pyaw tackle the front-line questions.

The ROI (Return on Investment)

For a college like Northern College, integrating Pyaw isn’t just about making life easier for students; it's about improving operational efficiency. The estimated results based on Pyaw's projections include:

  • Up to 50% reduction in customer support workload: With Pyaw handling most of the basic inquiries, staff can focus on high-level student interactions.
  • Improved conversion rates: Because students get quick, accurate answers, they are more likely to stay engaged with the college’s website, increasing the chances of application submission.
  • Cost savings: Hiring additional support staff is expensive. Pyaw eliminates the need for large teams, allowing the college to save on payroll while boosting productivity.

Time Saved = More Time for Growth

On average, it can take a prospective student several days to get a simple query answered via email. With Pyaw, they get answers in seconds. That instant interaction can be the difference between losing a potential applicant and gaining a new student.

Northern College’s admissions office, for example, could experience a drastic reduction in follow-up emails and phone calls, while students like Emma and James walk away from the website informed, satisfied, and more likely to choose Northern College.

In Conclusion

Pyaw is not just another chatbot—it's a game changer for colleges and universities. By providing instant, accurate information and guiding students through every step of the process, Pyaw makes websites smarter, faster, and more effective.

Imagine a future where no student ever feels lost on a university’s website. That future is now, and Pyaw is leading the way. So, whether you’re Northern College or any other educational institution, it's time to give your website the AI boost it needs!

Time to let Pyaw do the talking—24/7, always on point.